Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sunday Stealing: The Meme Time Meme

01. Real First Name: Alissa

02. Birthday: Sept 24th

03. Where do you live: Trinidad

04: What are you studying/What are you working as: Grad student in biochemistry and biotechnology.

05. What makes you happy: a good book - I am easy to please =)

06. What are you listening to now/have listened to last: a french dialogue exercise - I'm pretending to study for an exam tomorrow.

07. What is particularly good/bad about your blog: I made it. That is all. That should answer both right?

08. An interesting fact about you: I am confident enough to believe that I am not interesting.

09. Are you in love/have a crush at the moment: I should hope so - I have not been sticking around these 7 years with someone for spite.

10. Favorite place to be:

11. Favorite lyric: "If only you could see what I dream, maybe you can hear what I mean. There is nothing gone but there's something missing." Google it.

12. Best time of the year: Vacation time. I love the period between Christmas and New Year's day.

13. Weirdest food you like: I make iced tea with mauby and milk.


01. A film:

02. A book:

03. A song:

04: A band:


01. One thing you like about a blogger that you have not met: Sense of humour

02. Two things you like about yourself: I'm not ugly and I can type faster than most.

03. Name three things that you need in a lover: Affection, sense of humour and reliability.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well you are alive :) LOL Good to hear from you. And I'm sure you are interesting :) I loved your song my friend. Have a great week ahead :)

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